Geo News Urdu

Monday, 28 February 2011

Skype Commands

Skype Commands

In Skype, and type /h in the chat box. *Although I think any letter could work I tested a few they seems to work*

Then the following will show then.

Available commands:
/me [text]
/topic [text]
/add [skypename+]
/alertson [text]

/get creator
/get role
/whois [skypename]
/setrole [skypename] MASTER|HELPER|USER|LISTENER
/kick [skypename]
/kickban [skypename]
/get uri
/get guidelines
/get xguidelines
/set guidelines [text]
/get options
/set options [[+|-]flag] ..
/setpassword [password] [password hint]
/get password_hint
/get banlist
/get allowlist
/set banlist [[+|-]mask] ..
/set allowlist [[+|-]mask] ..
/golive [token]
Weird huh

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